Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Merry Christmakwanzuhka

Merry Christmas to everyone! I'm not even attempting to be politically correct because I love celebrating the day Jesus comes to deliver all sorts of presents to children who were born in a manger and met by 3 wise fat men in red suits who came down chimneys to see them...at least I think that's how it goes. The greatest Christmas present of all is the fact that my apartment has been dumped. I got the call at 4 o'clock on Christmas day, and it couldn't have been a more opportune time. I cracked a beer the second I got off the phone

This means I have officially cut the cord that has been binding me to the city, and I'll be able to start my job on January 2nd without any unfinished business, an excellent feeling to be sure. Christmas also brought other wonderful gifts such as a Tragically Hip box set, Chronicles of Narnia books and enough food to keep me at a plump 185 pounds...

I'll be heading back to Chicago for a few days to clear out the apartment, then back here for a few more days of R & R and hopefully a bit of skiing and then it's back to work. Looking forward to keep everyone posted on the new job, and hopefully some fun trips in the future (hopefully soon).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.....

Reading: Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew (I feel like I'm 8 again, and I love it)
Listening to: Tragically Hip Box Set


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