Thursday, January 05, 2006

I shouldn't be allowed to have spare time

The new job has started and it couldn't have come a moment sooner. Last week I decided to kill free time when my brother had to make a tough decision between pizza or hot dogs for dinner (two equally delicious and nutricious meals). The gears in my head, while admittedly rusty and in need of repair, kicked into gear and it struck me that no one should ever have to choose between the two. That is how the Pizza Dog came into being. The premis is simple, why use a bun for a hot dog when you could easily wrap it in a slice of pizza, thus capitalizing on the tremendous flavour of both. I have gone to the trouble of including the recipe below:

1 Hot Dog
1 Slice of Pizza (toppings to your liking)

Cook hot dog and pizza. Wrap pizza diagonally around the hot dog. Eat

It really was a delicious combination which I hope to try again, as long as my arteries will let me.

Thank god I have a job

Reading: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Horse and His Boy" by C.S. Lewis
Listening to: "Finish Your Collapse and Stay for Breakfast" by Broken Social Scene


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