Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Somehow my last post never found it's way here and as I was finished writing it I was already patting myself on the back for how great it was....People will laugh, cry and do push-ups all while reading this blog, is what I told myself. I guess it got lost in cyber space, sort of like Jodie Foster in that movie Contact...

Why bring up the movie Contact? Because that's basically all I did all weekend, watch movies (Contact included). I was supposed to head to Toronto for a course which I found out I was on the waiting list for approximately 18 hours before I was supposed to leave for it. Bascially it left me with a free weekend on nothing to do...or so I thought. It was at that exact moment that my parents swooped in and asked my nicely to "buy them Bob Seger tickets at 10am Saturday" as they dangled a delicious meal in front of me.....They won

So I ended up staying at my parent's house, which felt a bit like I was intruding because I'm still sort of halfway in the door and halfway out...I rationalized that because I was trying to get concert tickets for them, I could take at least some of their food. Apparently Bob Seger tickets are worth: 2 eggs, bacon, hash browns, a ham snadwich, two boxes of Kraft Dinner, 2 hot dogs, leftover pizza, cereal and a lifetime of cookies.

While I was wandering aimlessly around the house I also ran across an old t-shirt of mine which was sitting on my parent's bed. It was a Dream Team Basketball shirt circa 1992 which read "Our dream...your nightmare" which I'm sure I thought was so cool at the time that I bought it. Never mind that I was Canadian and was one of the nations meant to have "nightmares" about Larry Bird rifling a pass to Charles Barkely who baby hooked it in the basket....I could just imagine poor little Spanish women being unable to sleep at the thought of Scottie Pippen's smothering defensive stance...Is this what the makers of the shirt envisioned when they came up with the slogan?

I just realized that most of what came up in this post came up in the last one which tells me two things: 1) I lead a dull life...and 2) I find the dullest things the most exciting.

Reading - "Long Way Around" by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman
Listening to - "Caring Is Creepy" by The Shins

Friday, February 16, 2007

Get out!

If anyone doubts the effectiveness of a commerical sinking into your subconsciousness then consider that I can't get that song from the friggin' IPOD commercial out of my head. Therefore, I'm including it to try and pass the "stuck in the head" karma that I've got going on. If anything this video proves that groups of girls do in fact hang out in their lingerie dancing around....I knew it!

As to why I haven't been posting, it's been entirely due to a lack of internet. The new pad, while inside a house, technically counts as another house and therefore temporarily foiled our plans of using the one internet connections. I'm sure a bunch of you will message me saying this is easy to get around, and it is, but I'm lazy.

Or maybe not too lazy, just preoccupied...Anyways, I'm going to try and post when I can. I will now have exciting stories of wedding planning which the girls will no doubt find fun and the guys will make fun of me for...Oh well, all press is good press...

By the way, pitchers and catchers reported for Spring Training today and Kerry Wood is already hurt...Some things never change

Reading - Long Way Around by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman
Listening To: "Flathead" by The Fratellis